SequenceDiagram Class


Creates an abstraction over a PlantUML Sequence diagram to draw a sequence diagram of a git repository being created
Base Types
  • object
graph BT Type-->Base0["object"] Type["SequenceDiagram"] class Type type-node


public class SequenceDiagram


Name Summary
SequenceDiagram() Initializes a new instance of the SequenceDiagram class.


Name Value Summary
Activate(string) void
Activates a branch/participant in the sequence diagram
ApplyTag(string, string) void
Appends applying a tag to the specified branch/participant to the sequence diagram
BranchTo(string, string, string) void
Appends branching from a branch to another branch, @as can override the participant name
BranchToFromTag(string, string, string, string) void
Appends branching from a tag to a specified branch to the sequence diagram
Deactivate(string) void
Deactivates a branch/participant in the sequence diagram
Destroy(string) void
Destroys a branch/participant in the sequence diagram
Divider(string) void
Appends a divider with specified text to the sequence diagram
End() void
Ends the sequence diagram
GetDiagram() string
returns the plantUML representation of the Sequence Diagram
MakeACommit(string) void
Appends a commit on the target participant/branch to the sequence diagram
Merge(string, string) void
Append a merge to the sequence diagram
NoteOver(string, string, string, string, string) void
Appends a note over one or many participants to the sequence diagram
Participant(string, string) void
Creates a participant in the sequence diagram

Extension Methods
