Git Flow

Git Flow allows more structured releases, and GitVersion will derive sensible SemVer compatible versions from this structure.


  • Using GitFlow branching model which always has a main and a develop branch
  • Following Semantic Versioning
  • Planned releases (bumps in major or minor) are done on release branches prefixed with release-. Eg: release-4.1 (or release-4.1.0)
  • Hotfixes are prefixed with hotfix- Eg. hotfix-4.0.4
  • The original GitFlow model specifies branches with a "-" separator while the git flow extensions default to a "/" separator. Either work with GitVersion.
  • Tags are used on the main branch and reflects the SemVer of each stable release eg 3.3.8 , 4.0.0, etc
  • Tags can also be used to override versions while we transition repositories over to GitVersion
  • Using a build server with multi-branch building enabled eg TeamCity 8

How Branches are handled

The descriptions of how commits and branches are versioned can be considered a type of pseudopod. With that in mind there are a few common "variables" that we will refer to:

  • targetBranch => the branch we are targeting
  • targetCommit => the commit we are targeting on targetbranch

Main branch

Commits on main will always be a merge commit (Either from a hotfix or a release branch) or a tag. As such we can simply take the commit message or tag message.

If we try to build from a commit that is no merge and no tag then assume 0.1.0

mergeVersion => the SemVer extracted from targetCommit.Message

  • major: mergeVersion.Major
  • minor: mergeVersion.Minor
  • patch: mergeVersion.Patch
  • pre-release: 0 (perhaps count ahead commits later)
  • stability: final

Optional Tags (only when transitioning existing repository):

  • TagOnHeadCommit.Name= => overrides the version to be

Long version:

{major}.{minor}.{patch} Sha:'{sha}'
1.2.3 Sha:'a682956dccae752aa24597a0f5cd939f93614509'

Develop branch

targetCommitDate => the date of the targetCommit mainVersionCommit => the first version (merge commit or SemVer tag) on main that is older than the targetCommitDate mainMergeVersion => the SemVer extracted from mainVersionCommit.Message

  • major: mainMergeVersion.Major
  • minor: mainMergeVersion.Minor + 1 (0 if the override above is used)
  • patch: 0
  • pre-release: alpha.{n} where n = how many commits develop is in front of mainVersionCommit.Date ('0' padded to 4 characters)

Long version:

{major}.{minor}.{patch}-{pre-release} Branch:'{branchName}' Sha:'{sha}'
1.2.3-alpha.645 Branch:'develop' Sha:'a682956dccae752aa24597a0f5cd939f93614509'

Hotfix branches

Named: hotfix-{versionNumber} eg hotfix-1.2

branchVersion => the SemVer extracted from targetBranch.Name

  • major: mergeVersion.Major
  • minor: mergeVersion.Minor
  • patch: mergeVersion.Patch
  • pre-release: beta{n} where n = number of commits on branch ('0' padded to 4 characters)

Long version:

{major}.{minor}.{patch}-{pre-release} Branch:'{branchName}' Sha:'{sha}'
1.2.3-beta645 Branch:'hotfix-foo' Sha:'a682956dccae752aa24597a0f5cd939f93614509'

Release branches

  • May branch off from: develop
  • Must merge back into: develop and main
  • Branch naming convention: release-{n} eg release-1.2

releaseVersion => the SemVer extracted from targetBranch.Name releaseTag => the first version tag placed on the branch. Note that at least one version tag is required on the branch. The recommended initial tag is {releaseVersion}.0-alpha1. So for a branch named release-1.2 the recommended tag would be 1.2.0-alpha1

  • major: mergeVersion.Major
  • minor: mergeVersion.Minor
  • patch: 0
  • pre-release: {releaseTag.preRelease}.{n} where n = 1 + the number of commits since releaseTag.

So on a branch named release-1.2 with a tag 1.2.0-alpha1 and 4 commits after that tag the version would be 1.2.0-alpha1.4

Long version:

{major}.{minor}.{patch}-{pre-release} Branch:'{branchName}' Sha:'{sha}'
1.2.3-alpha2.4 Branch:'release-1.2' Sha:'a682956dccae752aa24597a0f5cd939f93614509'
1.2.3-rc2 Branch:'release-1.2' Sha:'a682956dccae752aa24597a0f5cd939f93614509'

Feature branches

May branch off from: develop Must merge back into: develop Branch naming convention: anything except main, develop, release-{n}, or hotfix-{n}.

TODO: feature branches cannot start with a SemVer. to stop people from create branches named like "4.0.3"

  • major: mainMergeVersion.Major
  • minor: mainMergeVersion.Minor + 1 (0 if the override above is used)
  • patch: 0
  • pre-release: alpha.feature-{n} where n = First 8 characters of the commit SHA of the first commit

Long version:

{major}.{minor}.{patch}-{pre-release} Branch:'{branchName}' Sha:'{sha}'
1.2.3-alpha.feature-a682956d Branch:'feature1' Sha:'a682956dccae752aa24597a0f5cd939f93614509'

Pull-request branches

May branch off from: develop Must merge back into: develop Branch naming convention: anything except main, develop, release-{n}, or hotfix-{n}. Canonical branch name contains /pull/.

  • major: mainMergeVersion.Major
  • minor: mainMergeVersion.Minor + 1 (0 if the override above is used)
  • patch: 0
  • pre-release: alpha.pull{n} where n = the pull request number ('0' padded to 4 characters)

Nightly Builds

develop, feature and pull-request builds are considered nightly builds and as such are not in strict adherence to SemVer.

Release Candidates

How do we do release candidates?? Perhaps tag a release branch and then count commits forward from the tag to get RC1, RC2 etc??
