
The recommended image to run is alpine, as they are the smallest Docker images we provide. This will execute GitVersion for the current working directory ($(pwd)) on Linux and Unix or powershell on Windows:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/repo" gittools/gitversion:{tag} /repo

The following command will execute GitVersion for the current working directory (%CD%) on Windows with CMD:

docker run --rm -v "%CD%:/repo" gittools/gitversion:{tag} /repo

Note that the path /repo needs to be passed as an argument since the gitversion executable within the container is not aware of the fact that it's running inside a container.

CI Agents

If you are running GitVersion on a CI agent, you may need to specify environment variables to allow GitVersion to work correctly. For example, on Azure DevOps you may need to set the following environment variables:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/repo" --env TF_BUILD=true --env BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH=$(Build.SourceBranch) gittools/gitversion:{tag} /repo

On GitHub Actions, you may need to set the following environment variables:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/repo" --env GITHUB_ACTIONS=true --env GITHUB_REF=$(GITHUB_REF) gittools/gitversion:{tag} /repo


Most of the tags we provide have both arm64 and amd64 variants. If you need to pull a architecture specific tag you can do that like:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/repo" gittools/gitversion:{tag}-amd64 /repo
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/repo" gittools/gitversion:{tag}-arm64 /repo

The list of available containers can be found on Docker Hub.

Explore GitVersion on Docker Hub
