MSBuild Task

The MSBuild Task for GitVersion — GitVersion.MsBuild — is a simple solution if you want to version your assemblies without writing any command line scripts or modifying your build process.

Just install with NuGet and GitVersion will automatically generate assembly version information that is compiled into the resulting artifact.

It currently works with desktop MSBuild. Support for CoreCLR with dotnet build is coming soon.

The nuget package was "GitVersionTask" up until version 5.5.1.
From version 5.6.0 it has been called "GitVersion.MsBuild"


Install the MSTask targets

Add the GitVersion.MsBuild NuGet Package into the project you want to be versioned by GitVersion.

From the Package Manager Console:

Install-Package GitVersion.MsBuild

If you're using PackageReference style NuGet dependencies (VS 2017+), add <PrivateAssets>all</PrivateAssets> to prevent the task from becoming a dependency of your package:

<PackageReference Include="GitVersion.MsBuild" Version="5.6.10*">

Remove AssemblyInfo attributes

The next thing you need to do is to remove the Assembly*Version attributes from your Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs files. This puts GitVersion.MsBuild in charge of versioning your assemblies.

WPF specific concerns

One further step needs to be taken for SDK-style WPF projects.

Building projects with .NET Core SDK with a version lower than v5.0.200 requires turning off automatic generation of the different versioning attributes. GitVersion usually controls these properties but cannot during WPF specific targets that generate a temporary project.

  <!-- Wpf workaround: GitVersion and .NET SDK < v5.0.200 -->

For .NET Core SDK v5.0.200 to v6.0.0-preview.1, a opt-in flag was introduced to allow package references to be imported to the temporary project. You can now remove the previous versioning attributes and replace them with a single property.

  <!-- WPF workaround: GitVersion and .NET SDK between v5.0.200 and v6.0.0-preview.2  -->

You can remove all workarounds if you are building with .NET Core SDK v6.0.0-preview.2 or later as the flag is now opt-out.


The setup process is now complete and GitVersion.MsBuild should be working its magic, versioning your assemblies like a champ. However, more can be done to further customize the build process. Keep reading to find out how the version variables are set and how you can use them in MSBuild tasks.

How does it work?

After being installed into a project, the MSBuild task will wire GitVersion into the MSBuild pipeline and will then perform several actions. These actions are described below.

Inject version metadata into the assembly

The sub-task named GitVersion.MsBuild.UpdateAssemblyInfo will inject version metadata into the assembly where GitVersion.MsBuild has been added to. For each assembly you want GitVersion to handle versioning, you will need to install GitVersion.MsBuild into the corresponding project via NuGet.

AssemblyInfo Attributes

A temporary AssemblyInfo.cs will be created at build time. That file will contain the appropriate SemVer information. This will be included in the build pipeline.

Default sample:

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.1.0+Branch.main.Sha.722aad3217bd49a6576b6f82f60884e612f9ba58")]

Now, when you build:

  • AssemblyVersion will be set to the AssemblySemVer variable.
  • AssemblyFileVersion will be set to the MajorMinorPatch variable with .0 appended to it.
  • AssemblyInformationalVersion will be set to the InformationalVersion variable.

Other injected Variables

All other variables will be injected into an internal static class part of the global namespace similar to this:

internal static class GitVersionInformation
    public static string Major = "1";
    public static string Minor = "1";
    public static string Patch = "0";
    ...All other variables

Accessing injected Variables

NB: depending on the source language of the assembly, the injected variables may be exposed either as fields or as properties. The examples below take care of this.

All variables

var assemblyName = assembly.GetName().Name;
var gitVersionInformationType = assembly.GetType("GitVersionInformation");
var fields = gitVersionInformationType.GetFields();

foreach (var field in fields)
    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", field.Name, field.GetValue(null)));

// The GitVersionInformation class generated from a F# project exposes properties
var properties = gitVersionInformationType.GetProperties();

foreach (var property in properties)
    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", property.Name, property.GetGetMethod(true).Invoke(null, null)));
Specific variable
var assemblyName = assembly.GetName().Name;
var gitVersionInformationType = assembly.GetType("GitVersionInformation");
var versionField = gitVersionInformationType.GetField("Major");
if (versionField != null)
    // The GitVersionInformation class generated from a F# project exposes properties
    var versionProperty = gitVersionInformationType.GetProperty("Major");
    if (versionProperty != null)
        Trace.WriteLine(versionProperty.GetGetMethod(true).Invoke(null, null));

Populate some MSBuild properties with version metadata

The sub-task GitVersion.MsBuild.GetVersion will write all the derived variables to MSBuild properties so the information can be used by other tooling in the build pipeline.

The class for GitVersion.MsBuild.GetVersion has a property for each variable. However at MSBuild time these properties are mapped to MSBuild properties that are prefixed with GitVersion_. This prevents conflicts with other properties in the pipeline.

In addition, the following MSBuild properties are set when UpdateVersionProperties is true (the default): Version, VersionPrefix, VersionSuffix, PackageVersion, InformationalVersion, AssemblyVersion and FileVersion. These are used by the built-in tasks for generating AssemblyInfo's and NuGet package versions.

NuGet packages

The new SDK-style projects available for .NET Standard libraries (and multi-targeting), have the ability to create NuGet packages directly by using the pack target: msbuild /t:pack. The version is controlled by the MSBuild properties described above.

GitVersionTask generates SemVer 2.0 compliant NuGet package versions by default. You can disable it by setting UseFullSemVerForNuGet to false in your project. Older NuGet clients do not support SemVer 2.0 package versions, but most of the modern hosts support it.

Accessing variables in MSBuild

Once GitVersion.MsBuild.GetVersion has been executed, the MSBuild properties can be used in the standard way. For example:

<Message Text="GitVersion_InformationalVersion: $(GitVersion_InformationalVersion)"/>

Communicate variables to current Build Server

The sub-task GitVersion.MsBuild.WriteVersionInfoToBuildLog will attempt to write the version information to the current Build Server log.

If, at build time, it is detected that the build is occurring inside a Build Server then the variables will be written to the Build Server log in a format that the current Build Server can consume. See Build Server Support.

Conditional control tasks

Properties WriteVersionInfoToBuildLog, UpdateAssemblyInfo, UseFullSemVerForNuGet, UpdateVersionProperties and GetVersion are checked before running these tasks.

You can disable GitVersion.MsBuild.UpdateAssemblyInfo by setting UpdateAssemblyInfo to false in your MSBuild script, like this:


For SDK-style projects, UpdateVersionProperties controls setting the default variables: Version, VersionPrefix, VersionSuffix, PackageVersion, InformationalVersion, AssemblyVersion and FileVersion.

Extra properties

There are properties that correspont to certain command line arguments for GetVersion task. In particular, setting GitVersion_NoFetchEnabled to true disables git fetch during version calculation, setting GitVersion_NoNormalizeEnabled to true disables normalize step on a build server, setting GitVersion_NoCacheEnabled to true makes GetVersion ignore cache. All the rest command line arguments can be passed via GitVersion_CommandLineArguments variable.

My Git repository requires authentication. What should I do?

Set the environment variables GITVERSION_REMOTE_USERNAME and GITVERSION_REMOTE_PASSWORD before the build is initiated.
